About the Author

Thorby Rudbek is having an interesting – challenging – and fulfilling life: He improved / streamlined the high-vacuum chamber production procedure and then manufactured the microwave circuit panels for the radar system essential to the Tornado, Multi-Role Combat Aircraft; He worked for the Federal Government of Canada, helping to ensure the safety of licenced uses of ionising radiation in commercial / manufacturing applications, within the oil and gas industry, in research, educational and medical establishments and in nuclear power plants; He supervised, organised and maintained the systems for the safe use / application of ionising radiation in two major Canadian medical facilities, and in a major oil and gas company and a high-profile post-graduate university, both in the Middle-East; Early on, he noticed that, despite a century of study, the approach to the use of ionising radiation largely ignores, camouflages and denies the significant benefits to mankind (such as compact, clean, cheap, constant, reliable and safe power production, improved health, reduced incidences of cancer and increased efficiencies, economies and safety in every-day life) and instead focuses on exaggerating risks and speculating about hypothetical dangers, causing society to ignore and reject those valuable and significant benefits, resulting in the continued, unnecessary pollution of our world and the preventable suffering and tragically early deaths of countless millions over the years.

Early in his career, he also noticed that, outside of his working hours, most of the fiction he was finding to read was either too depressing, too coarse / offensive, too explicit / sexualised or was permeated with morality that was ambiguous or non-existent; he knew that he wanted – no, he needed – something uplifting / hopeful, cleanly-worded, virtuous and rousing / inspiring to read; One day, whilst travelling through beautiful green countryside of rolling hills, he discovered a story that fit his needs… but it was snuggled deep in his imagination. So he wrote it!


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