The Last Substitute

In “The Last Substitute”, the unlikely hero, Clem, has been trained as a lowly insurance clerk; needless to say, he has none of the certifications, training or experience essential to a deadly secret agent.

There are impostors… infiltrators… assassins… anarchists…  It is a tale filled with fights and flights, mystery and romance.    Hanging over Clem, is the knowledge that the future of the UK is about to be trashed and that he is the only one in a position to do anything about it!

Watch out for the young slave, the good Samaritan, the underground terrorists and the selfless but doomed hero.  It’s a world he’s never known, never even imagined, and it’s a darn dangerous and downright deadly one for Clem, the novice 24 year old!

In Thorby’s first foray into spy lit – set in the present-day – there are several ordinary people who find themselves in increasingly dangerous situations; the Nazi racists are in the final stages of a plan conceived years earlier, running on finely-aged and matured hate, and Clem, the very ordinary insurance clerk who discovers this deadline, is the only barrier between our admittedly far-from-perfect present normality and the imminent arrival of cruel, catastrophic civilisation-curtailing chaos.

Clem finds that he is the last substitute, simultaneously unqualified, untrained and uninformed, tasked with attempting to prevent a coordinated terrorist act of national proportions!

This is a story about present-day terrorists intent on dismantling civilized life in the UK.  It has some astounding action, fights, explosions and rescues but the story unfolds without the grim overtones, abrasive language and explicit affairs that permeate much of modern fiction.


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